Paint Your Mind

Paint Your Mind: Art As Tool is my new development project, funded by Arts Council England’s Developing Your Creative Practice Fund. It will run from January to June 2024, as I learn and share.

My aim is to root my practice in a more specific focus on how the visual arts can be used to improve mental health (as well as wellbeing in general). To this end I’ll be researching possibilities, gathering views, creating new artwork and sharing all this more widely with new and existing audiences.

I am really looking forward to Paint Your Mind: Art As Tool, and am very grateful to Arts Council England for giving me this opportunity. To learn more about Arts Council England’s fantastic and varied work, go to

As part of Paint Your Mind I have run two art for wellbeing challenges. For the month of February All Change saw 37 participants get creative with abstract and figurative art ideas to compare these styles’ impacts. The second of the two art for wellbeing challenges run as part of Paint Your Mind, Well Art, took place from 6 to 27 April, with 31 participants experimenting with a range of art ideas and styles and media.